
Friday, July 24, 2015


Hi there friends!  How was your week?  I hope it was way more productive than mine.  Somehow my sewing mojo  has fled the scene.  I didn't get much done on any front this week, and I have no good excuses for it.

Snapshots Prep
Yesterday I got the last of my Snapshots blocks  cut out. You know so many of the group of bloggers listed in this post are going to have their quilts done, and I want to have mine done too!  I got off to a great start and typical PKM style I fizzled, getting distracted.  I can't be the only one this happens to right?  Well if I am the only one, don't even tell me. 
Ok, I'm hoping I didn't put my mojo with my sewing ham, that would be a disaster. BECAUSE I STILL HAVEN'T FOUND THAT.  I don't even need it anymore.. I just want to know where it is.
I know, nuts.
Happy weekend! xop


  1. I SO totally understand about losing your ham and just wanting to know where it is. I picked up Lola's medicine for the week at the vet yesterday and, last night when she was supposed to take it, I couldn't find it. I searched everywhere. I mean, it cost $30 and that came out of my grocery money! To make a long story short, after going through the trash and looking everywhere, I finally found it under the front seat of the car. Apparently it dropped onto the floor when I was coming home. I have so many things that I think of from time to time and wonder if I still have it or where it might be. I can totally relate! Have a great weekend!

  2. Yes, I get it! I should be happily sewing something but I just can't seem to get it together. 😂

  3. TGIF and enjoy your weekend. I took my sewing mojo and went to my camp in the UP of Michigan. I have completed four blocks. Hope to get more done before I go home on Tuesday. Terry
