
Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Time Saver

I can always count on Alex to show me new ways to save time!  Today over at The Quilt Show, Alex has a blog post on a new machine quilting technique that I know is going to help me out! Just click here!

Have a great day!


  1. Funny Funny, I really thought their was a miracle.

  2. kathy5:43 AM

    Well, in a way it's would save a lot of time! :)

  3. Wow. I kept thinking all along, what in the world is she going to do! I think it is the lack of sleep last night. Loved it! Thanks for the link :)

  4. Got it!!!'

  5. Oh my and I forgot today it April Fools day. I had my cuppa joe and was ready to get the latest and greatest quilting tip. Loved it great way to start the day.

  6. She is just so brilliant!! One of my friends here says she quilts with her credit card!

  7. You really got me! ha ha ha...
    I was seriously thinking how Alex is going to quilt the multiple layers. Then I got it when I saw her using the 12" Priority Box as a guide. April Fools!

  8. I briefly saw this on Facebook and noted it to look at carefully last night. About half way thru I remembered last year's April Fools video. She does a great job preparing these! That was too funny.

  9. I like how she ran up to the wrong side of the mail truck -- but with a quick recovery! haha!

  10. Wow, I'm slow. I had noooo idea this was an April Fool's joke...maybe because I read this on April 2nd?! I kept waiting for the video to continue, even after she ran out to the mail truck. Duh. Funny!

  11. LOL. I was so excited… waited to see it.. watched eagerly… and then it hit me - so funny! And yes - that's the only way I can get a quilt done! I will say, though, that it kills me to fold up a nicely pressed quilt top and backing and have to put it in a box! But the thrill when it comes back is so much fun! And instant gratification! :O)
