Magazine Monday Morning
Yup, its coffee and magazines this morning peeps. And I have three here that are particularly yummy because they have quilts by some peoples we know!

First off, check out this pretty controlled scrappy quilt by Megan Johnson. I love the Lakehouse Fabrics in it. It looks so elegant. It appears in the McCalls Quilting America Loves Scrap Quilts special publication.

Next up is another delightful quilt from Monica in the latest Quilts and More, Summer 2008. Darling!

In the MORE category is another friend in the magazine, this delightful group from Holly Holderman. I love how those Lakehouse letters look on the pillow and who doesn't love that Cherry Baby.

Last but not least is the latest Designer Quilts Magazine. Featured in it is a quilt designed by Alex and made by me!!!! Diana did the wonderful quilting.

Went to see Frankie and Binzer yesterday. We had a blast. Frankie is sending along some cute bunny photos.. Binzer checking her schedule to see if she has time for us.. look her ears have dropped! No more side pony for her.

Ok sweet peeps, have a Happy Monday! Sorry for the cruddy mag photos..some days things just don't work out that well no matter how hard you try.
Where do you find these magazines. . . ? (& before I ever see them!) I love each & every one of the quilts. . . & want to make each one! I love the little flower - curtain tie in the photo of Holly's quilt! . . . & I MUST get some of Alex's new line. . . b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!
xo, Bren
LOVE the red and white!!! looks like some really little squares, you must be a master-piecer!
thanks for the mention of my quilt as well!
You always have the scoop and I love that. Congrats on having your work in a magazine. It feels really nice to see something you worked on in print!
OHMYGAWD... scooped again! How do you do it, oh magazine whisperer you. PKM... PamKittyMagazine.
OMG. OMG. OMG... Gonna rush out and get Designer Quilts Magazine so I can get YOUR issue. Sorry Alex!
Just clicked on the pics to see the bigger images... I love them all, but Megan's has me wanting to run as fast as I can to my LQS to get some fabs to make it. Stash, schmass... I want more.
All so delightful. I want to be a better quilter. I even want a floppy eared bunny.
Hey, you're mag pictures aren't cruddy at all! Quite the opposite, actually! Love the red and white quilt. That might be a another "have to have" one. Binzer is a cutie. My daughter's boyfriend gave her a rabbit years ago but I can't remember it's name. I was always afraid it would do it's thing on the carpet.
Nancy in WI
Egads! More magazines to try to find. I still haven't found the Quilt Sampler!!!!!! Aack!!!!!
I think I'll make a trip to Barnes and Noble and Raleys tonight!
I'm always up for bunny photos, as long as the bunnies are out in my garden! Binzer is a sweet poop.
Love the magazines. It's funny because it's magazine Monday here also. I got an e-mail from a friend who's place is featured in this month's "Cottage Living" magazine and I had to run right out and grab a copy.
Thanks for all the great stuff today.
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
How cool for you to be published...I don't think that would ever be old news to me. You are such a stunt quilter!!! Bravo. I love them all, but the red does speak to me!
I'm a little titch cranky cuz I'm still searching for the new Quilt Sampler----------- can't find it anywhere here in St. Louis! What is the deal with that anyway???? And I don't have the new Designer Quilts either.
Oooh, thanks for sharing! All the quilts are gorgeous. Now to find time to make them... See you in Portland!
Love Alex's fabrics and love the quilt! awesome stitchin Pam!
I loved every one of the quilts...couldn't possibly choose. I'm going magazine shopping tomorrow!
Hey Pam!! Love the bunny and all the "low down" on the quiltin' world! Can't wait to see you in Portland, minus the ol' gallbladder! No one can say "you've got alot of gall" to me anymore! Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm hilarious! Anyway, thanks again for my owl. I think I'm going to have to come up with an appropriate name for her....hmmmm... I'll have to think about that. Miss you guys! see you soon and say "hi" to Elizabeth!
Hi Pam
Thanks for checking out my blog and leaving my that wonderful comment. Love the quilt you made in the mag, maybe I'll see you in Portland,
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